Parse Range Return String
Ranges which are not consecutive can be returned from a Range function in a format like this:
The following code shows how to extract row ranges in purely numerical form so that the result would be:
Program Code
Public Sub PrintSelectedLabels() ' ******************************************************* ' Illustrate Parsing A Range String To Extract Row Ranges ' This is a code snippet - not complete ' ******************************************************* ' ******************************************************* ' Get The String Of All Ranges Selected ' ******************************************************* strSelectedRange = Selection.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlA1, RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) ' ******************************************************* ' Split Each Range Selected Using Comma As Delimeter ' ******************************************************* strRangeArray = Split(strSelectedRange, ",") ' ******************************************************* ' Array strRangeArray Now Contains All The Parsed Ranges ' ******************************************************* ' For Each Array Element, Extract The Starting And Ending ' Rows ' ******************************************************* For i = LBound(strRangeArray) To UBound(strRangeArray) strBuildRangeStartingRow = "" strBuildRangeEndingRow = "" boolMultiRange = False lngLengthOfRangeString = Len(strRangeArray(i)) For j = 1 To lngLengthOfRangeString If Mid(strRangeArray(i), j, 1) = ":" Then boolMultiRange = True lngRangeStartingRow = CLng(strBuildRangeStartingRow) strBuildRangeEndingRow = "" GoTo GetNextCharacter End If ' ******************************************************* ' Process MultiRange When ":" Is Encountered ' ******************************************************* If boolMultiRange Then If IsNumeric(Mid(strRangeArray(i), j, 1)) Then strBuildRangeEndingRow = strBuildRangeEndingRow & Mid(strRangeArray(i), j, 1) End If GoTo GetNextCharacter End If ' ******************************************************* ' Process Before the ":" Is Encountered ' ******************************************************* If IsNumeric(Mid(strRangeArray(i), j, 1)) Then strBuildRangeStartingRow = strBuildRangeStartingRow & Mid(strRangeArray(i), j, 1) strBuildRangeEndingRow = strBuildRangeEndingRow & Mid(strRangeArray(i), j, 1) End If GetNextCharacter: Next j ' ******************************************************* ' End Of String Encountered - Complete The Process ' ******************************************************* If Not boolMultiRange Then lngRangeStartingRow = CLng(strBuildRangeStartingRow) lngRangeEndingRow = CLng(strBuildRangeEndingRow) Else lngRangeEndingRow = CLng(strBuildRangeEndingRow) End If If lngRangeStartingRow < 3 Then MsgBox ("You Must Select A Starting Row Greater Than 2") Exit For End If Call SendToPrinter Next i End Sub