This Show a Functioning Program that Opens, Saves, and Closes a Workbook
This shows examples of:
(1) Opening a file using FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
(2) Transferring the contents to this workbook
(3) Closing the import file without saving it
Doing steps 1 through 3 for a second input file
(5) Sorting the combined results of the two imports
(6) Saving the results to a new file using date and time stamps on the output file
(7) Stripping out the VBA on the output file
Program Code
Option Explicit Public Sub cmdImportCustomerComments() ' ************************************************ ' Workbook/Worksheet Assignments ' ************************************************ Dim wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate As Workbook Dim wkbCustomerAlerts As Workbook Dim wkbCustomerComments As Workbook Dim wksCustomerTemplate As Worksheet Dim wksCustomerAlerts As Worksheet Dim wksCustomerComments As Worksheet Dim strImportedWorkbook As String Dim strFilePathToRawData As String Dim strSavePath As String Dim strSaveAsName As String Dim dlgOpenFile As FileDialog ' ************************************************ ' Other Variables ' ************************************************ Dim lngCustomerAlertsLastRow As Long Dim lngCustomerCommentsLastRow As Long Dim lngTemplateLastRow As Long Dim lngFinalRowCount As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim rngSortArea As Range ' ************************************************ ' Register This Template Workbook ' ************************************************ Set wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate = ThisWorkbook Set wksCustomerTemplate = wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate.Sheets("CustomerComments") ' ******************************************************************************************** ' Open Customer Alerts ' ******************************************************************************************** strFilePathToRawData = "" Set dlgOpenFile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With dlgOpenFile .Title = "Select Customer Alerts" .AllowMultiSelect = False .Filters.Clear .Filters.Add "Excel File", "*.xlsx" .FilterIndex = 1 .Show If .SelectedItems.Count < 1 Then MsgBox ("No File Selected") Exit Sub End If strFilePathToRawData = .SelectedItems(1) End With ' ************************************************ ' Check for Valid Path - If Valid then save ' The Workbook Name and Open It ' ************************************************ If strFilePathToRawData = "" Then MsgBox ("No File Selected") Exit Sub End If Workbooks.Open strFilePathToRawData ' ************************************************ ' Register the External Workbook To Be Imported ' ************************************************ Set wkbCustomerAlerts = ActiveWorkbook Set wksCustomerAlerts = wkbCustomerAlerts.Sheets(1) strImportedWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' ************************************************ ' Validate the correct workbook was opened ' ************************************************ If wksCustomerAlerts.Cells(1, 1) <> "Cust" Then MsgBox ("File Format Does Not Agree With Expected Format" & vbCrLf & "Import Cancelled") wkbCustomerAlerts.Close Savechanges:=False Exit Sub End If ' ************************************************ ' Clear any previous contents of target ' worksheet from the last import ' ************************************************ wksCustomerTemplate.Range(wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(3, 1), wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(10000, 7)).EntireRow.Delete ' ************************************************ ' Count the number of rows in the workbook to ' Be Imported ' ************************************************ lngCustomerAlertsLastRow = wksCustomerAlerts.Cells(wksCustomerAlerts.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' ************************************************ ' Populate the worksheet in this application with ' The External Workbook Data - Loop through all ' the external data and copy into this application ' ************************************************ For i = 2 To lngCustomerAlertsLastRow wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(i + 1, 1) = wksCustomerAlerts.Cells(i, 1) wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(i + 1, 2) = Date wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(i + 1, 3) = wksCustomerAlerts.Cells(i, 2) wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(i + 1, 4) = "IMPORT" Next i ' ************************************************ ' Close the External Workbook ' ************************************************ wkbCustomerAlerts.Close Savechanges:=False ' ************************************************ ' Put Cursor to the top of the data just imported ' Into this application ' ************************************************ wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate.Activate wksCustomerTemplate.Select wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(1, 1).Select ' ******************************************************************************************** ' Open Customer Comments ' ******************************************************************************************** strFilePathToRawData = "" Set dlgOpenFile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With dlgOpenFile .Title = "Select Customer Comments" .AllowMultiSelect = False .Filters.Clear .Filters.Add "Excel File", "*.xlsx" .FilterIndex = 1 .Show If .SelectedItems.Count < 1 Then MsgBox ("No File Selected") Exit Sub End If strFilePathToRawData = .SelectedItems(1) End With ' ************************************************ ' Check for Valid Path - If Valid then save ' The Workbook Name and Open It ' ************************************************ If strFilePathToRawData = "" Then MsgBox ("No File Selected") Exit Sub End If Workbooks.Open strFilePathToRawData ' ************************************************ ' Register the External Workbook To Be Imported ' ************************************************ Set wkbCustomerComments = ActiveWorkbook Set wksCustomerComments = wkbCustomerComments.Sheets(1) strImportedWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' ************************************************ ' Validate the correct workbook was opened ' ************************************************ If wksCustomerComments.Cells(1, 1) <> "Cust" Then MsgBox ("File Format Does Not Agree With Expected Format" & vbCrLf & "Import Cancelled") wkbCustomerComments.Close Savechanges:=False Exit Sub End If ' ************************************************ ' Count the number of rows in the workbook to ' Be Imported ' ************************************************ lngCustomerCommentsLastRow = wksCustomerComments.Cells(wksCustomerComments.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' ************************************************ ' Populate the worksheet in this application with ' The External Workbook Data - Loop through all ' the external data and copy into this application ' ************************************************ ' ************************************************ ' Count the rows in the template ' ************************************************ lngTemplateLastRow = wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(wksCustomerTemplate.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row j = lngTemplateLastRow For i = 2 To lngCustomerCommentsLastRow If wksCustomerComments.Cells(i, 2) <> "" Then j = j + 1 wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 1) = wksCustomerComments.Cells(i, 1) wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 2) = Date wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 3) = wksCustomerComments.Cells(i, 2) wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 4) = "IMPORT" End If If wksCustomerComments.Cells(i, 3) <> "" Then j = j + 1 wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 1) = wksCustomerComments.Cells(i, 1) wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 2) = Date wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 3) = wksCustomerComments.Cells(i, 3) wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(j, 4) = "IMPORT" End If Next i ' ************************************************ ' Close the External Workbook ' ************************************************ wkbCustomerComments.Close Savechanges:=False ' ************************************************ ' Put Cursor to the top of the data just imported ' Into this application ' ************************************************ wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate.Activate wksCustomerTemplate.Select wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(1, 1).Select ' ************************************************ ' Sort Final Results ' ************************************************ lngFinalRowCount = wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(wksCustomerTemplate.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row Set rngSortArea = Range(wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(3, 1), wksCustomerTemplate.Cells(lngFinalRowCount, 7)) With wksCustomerTemplate.Sort .SortFields.Clear .SortFields.Add Key:= _ Columns("A"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _ xlSortNormal .SetRange rngSortArea .Header = xlNo .MatchCase = False .Orientation = xlTopToBottom .Apply End With strSavePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" strSaveAsName = strSavePath & "CustomerComments_" & Format(Date, "YYYY_MM_DD") & "_" & Format(Hour(Now), "00") & Format(Minute(Now), "00") Application.DisplayAlerts = False wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate.SaveAs Filename:=strSaveAsName, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook Application.DisplayAlerts = True wkbCustomerCommentsTemplate.Close End Sub