Logicwurks Home Page

Links To Excel Code Examples

Tracing VBA Statements
Range/Wkb/Wks Variables
Add Grand Totals Using Ranges
Using Range Offset Property
Using Range Find Method
Set Conditional Formatting
Union Of Ranges
Parse Range Strings
Delete Duplicate Rows
Delete Rows And Columns
Worksheet Variables
TypeName And TypeOf
Loop Through Worksheets
Loop Through Open Workbooks
Form Button Magic
Command Button Magic
Add Worksheets Dynamically
Find Last Row Or Column
Copy And Paste Special
Copy To Specific Cell Types
Range Copy With Filter
Open An Excel File
Open An Excel File w/Params
Open An Excel File On Web
Save A Workbook
Save A Workbook Using mso
Clone A Workbook
Test If WEB URL Exists
Parse Using Split Command
Using Classes in Excel
Color Management
Convert Cell Color To RGB
Sort Methods 2003 - 2010
Sort Alpha/Numeric In ASCII
Search Using Match Function
Search Using Vlookup Function
Search Using Xlookup Function
Using Find Instead of Vlookup
Remove String Non-Printables
Auto_Open And Auto_Close
Initialize Form At Open
Edit Numerics In UserForm
Load Combo And List Boxes
Floating Sheet Combo Boxes
Advanced User Form Coding
Excel Events
Worksheet Change Events
Binary Search Of Array
Typecast Constants
Excel Error Handling
Handling Optional Parameters
Data Validation Drop Downs
Insert Data Validation Sub
Read A Text File w/Handle
Write A Text File w/Handle
Read a Binary File w/Handle
Update a Binary File w/Handle
Binary File Copy and Update
Read A Text Fiile w/Script
Text File Processing Examples
Test For Exists Or Open
Splash Screen
Dynamically Load Formulas
Date Examples
Date Find Same Days
Convert Month To Number
Initialize Arrays
Load Arrays Using Evaluate
Redim An Array
Reassign Button Action
Timer Functions
Legacy Calendar Control
Excel 2010 Date Picker
Date Picker Alternative
Generate Multiple Worksheets
Read Access Data Into Excel
Send Outlook Email w/Attach
Copy AutoFilters To Sheets
Export A Text File
Get Windows User Name
VBA Format Statement
Manipulate Files via VBA
Dynamically Load Images
Loop Through Worksheet Objects
Loop Through Form Objects
Loop Through Files with DIR
Active-X Checkboxes
Add Forms Checkboxes Dynam
Paste Pictures Into Excel
Copy Pictures Sheet To Sheet
Copy Pictures Sheet To Sheet
Create Forms Buttons With VBA
Extract Filename From Path
Convert R1C1 Format to A1
Special Cells Property
Insert Cell Comments

Links To Access Code Examples

Interface Excel With Access
Create Form Manually
Create Recordset With AddNew
Multi-Select List Boxes
Update Field(s) In A Recordset
Update Excel Pivot From Access
Import A Tab Delimited File
Export Excel FileDialog
Create Excel Within Access
Open Excel Within Access
Open Excel OBJ From Access
Format Excel From Access
Control Excel via Access VBA
On Error Best Practices
Import Tab Delim w/WinAPI
Initialize Global Variables
Using TempVars For Globals
Access Error Handling
Loop Through Form Controls
Insert A Calendar Control
Create A Filtered Recordset
Populate Combo Boxes
Bookmarks And Forms
Combo Box Multiple Sources
Passing Form Objects
Create VBA SQL Statements
Create Dynamic Queries
Display File Images On A Form
Manipulate Files via VBA
Manipulate Files via Scripting
Number Subform Records
Reference Subform Objects
Parse Delimited Fields
Parameterized Queries (VBA)
Manipulating QueryDefs In VBA
FindFirst On Combined Keys
Dlookup Command
Dlookup In Form Datasheet
Execute SQL Delete Records
Commit Form To Table
Report With No Data
Reference Form Objects
DSNLess Connections To MySQL
Print Active Form Record
Count Records in Linked Tables
Delete Empty Tables
Open Linked SQL Tables


Create A Sequential Number In A SubForm For Each New Header Record

Occasionall you will need to provide a number from 1 to "n", where "n" is the number of detail lines in a sub-form. For example, if you have an application that has a header record for an order, and the subform detail contains each line item ordered, you may want to number the detail lines sequentially starting at 1 for each new order.

Surprisingly, this requires a little code to accomplish this.

To summarize the steps:

(1) If the user inserts a new line, the line number becomes the number of existing sub-form records + 1
(2) If the user edits an existing line, don't change the line number
(3) If the user deletes a line, then renumber the associated records in the source table sequentially and refresh the form.
(4) There are only two events that need to be processed to accomplish the above goals

Here is a code example behind a sub-form to accomplish this goal:

Program Code

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
' *********************************************************
' If the user deletes a subform line, renumber all records
' in the source table starting at 1 so there will not
' be any missing sequence numbers
' *********************************************************
Dim db As Database
Dim recIn As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intLineNumber As Integer

intLineNumber = 0

strSQL = "SELECT tblKilnDetail.KilnDetailID, tblKilnDetail.KilnHeaderID, tblKilnDetail.BatchLineNumber" & _
         " FROM tblKilnDetail WHERE tblKilnDetail.KilnHeaderID=" & Me.KilnHeaderID & _
         " ORDER BY tblKilnDetail.KilnDetailID;"

If Status <> acDeleteOK Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set recIn = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If recIn.EOF Then
    Exit Sub
End If

    intLineNumber = intLineNumber + 1
    recIn!BatchLineNumber = intLineNumber
Loop Until recIn.EOF

Set recIn = Nothing
Set db = Nothing


End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
' *********************************************************
' If the user inserts a new detail line, assign the next
' sequential number.  If the user was updating an
' existing line item, don't change the sequence number
' *********************************************************
Dim recIn As Recordset
Dim lngHighestBatchNumberOnDetail As Long

If Not Me.NewRecord Then
    Exit Sub
End If

lngHighestBatchNumberOnDetail = 0
Set recIn = Me.Recordset
lngHighestBatchNumberOnDetail = recIn.RecordCount + 1
Me.Line = lngHighestBatchNumberOnDetail
Set recIn = Nothing

End Sub